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Police aim to reduce motor vehicle accidents

New Yorkers may have noticed an increased police presence recently on streets and highways throughout the state. That is because the New York State Police has been running an initiative in which checkpoints and patrols are increased to identify drivers who are reckless, drunk or distracted.

The Fourth of July holiday is a popular time for travel, and the authorities hope that such checkpoints and patrols canl reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents during that time of the year.

In 2018, there were 156 car accidents during the Fourth of July weekend. Four people lost their lives in those accidents, and 244 suffered injuries. Approximately 10,500 motorists were ticketed that weekend and 216 motorists were arrested for drunk driving.

It is important that motorists follow the rules of the road, especially during times of heavy traffic. Motorists should not use cellphones while driving, should move over when another motorist is stopped on the side of the road, should not speed or drive aggressively and they should never get behind the wheel after having too much to drink. Drunk driving, distracted driving and reckless driving may all be considered acts of negligence. Should these drivers cause a car crash, they could be held liable for the damages they caused.

Those involved in a car crash can expect to incur hefty medical expenses, not to mention the expenses associated with having to take time off work, emotional trauma and pain and suffering. For this reason, car accident victims this Fourth of July weekend or any other time of the year will want to determine if they can pursue legal action against the responsible party.

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