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What is a third-party personal injury claim?

Personal injury claims often require filing paperwork with one’s medical or other insurance. Sometimes, however, they can also involve another person’s insurance. A person can file a “third-party” claim with another person’s or entity’s insurance company alongside or instead of the more well-known “first-party” claim. 

A variety of circumstances can lead to the wise decision of involving another person’s insurance company in a person’s healing. Car accidents, incidents in construction sites and factories or slip and falls in public places may qualify for this type of claim. 

Determining an appropriate compensation strategy after an injury 

People who suffer an injury due to another’s actions can still attempt to receive compensation through their own insurer. Most assume that they should go the traditional route of contacting an insurance representative from their coverage plan and explaining the situation. People typically take this approach when they are unclear about who is at fault or if the individual who they feel caused their misfortune does not have adequate or any insurance. 

However, it is also possible, after deeming an individual responsible for an incident, to have that individual’s own policy cover the injured person’s bills such as medicine or rehabilitation as well as time off work. Pursuing this course of action requires the liable party’s consent, and many claimants find it challenging to get other people to admit that they played a role in hurting them. If they agree to cooperate, though, then the injured person may receive compensation quickly and with little hassle. 

Blocks to receiving compensation 

Every personal injury case is different. A common obstacle that people face in resolving their cases is subrogation by insurance companies. This is when an insurance company files a claim in return to avoid paying for an accident. Companies do this supposedly to prevent someone who is receiving a payment from pocketing the money instead of spending it to recover. 

Being careful is always the preferred strategy to avoid injuries. People who suffer after an accident do not have to do it alone, though. Compensation from insurance is possible through either first-party or third-party claims. 

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