If you walk to work every day, you probably know how dangerous the roads are for pedestrians in many places. However, even seemingly safe areas present dangers, especially if a driver is under the influence of alcohol. Sadly, some pedestrians are killed or seriously hurt while walking to work and it is crucial for injured pedestrians to explore their legal options in the wake of an accident.
In fact, these accidents bring up many hardships for a lot of pedestrians, such as losing the ability to keep working, financial hardships, physical pain, mental trauma and so on.
Busy roads, fatigue and other factors
When it comes to pedestrian accidents, those walking to work are especially vulnerable for different reasons. Often, people walk to work and return home during times when traffic is chaotic, such as rush hour and the early morning hours. Many drivers are struggling with fatigue due to poor sleep or a long day at work, while others are in a rush to get to the office or return home. Moreover, pedestrians who walk to work are often especially vulnerable when visibility is poor because it is very early or late.
Recovering from a pedestrian accident
It is essential for pedestrian accident victims to look into various resources that will help them move forward in life. Aside from finding support from loved ones and friends, many people benefit from taking legal action if a reckless driver caused the accident. Our law office details various legal factors regarding pedestrian accidents on other parts of our site. If you were involved in a pedestrian accident, please contact our pedestrian accident law firm today at (518) 802-4714 or by filling out this form to learn about your options.