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Drivers must be on high alert as children return to school

The end of summer is an exciting if hectic time for school-age children and their parents. However, this can be a dangerous time as well. Pedestrian accidents in school zones serve as tragic reminders of the enhanced awareness we all must exercise while school is in session.

Tips to keep them safe

According to research by the National Safety Council, the children most likely to suffer pedestrian accidents in school zones are those between the ages of 4 and 7. In many cases, these children are struck by a bus or another vehicle attempting to illegally pass a bus. A few simple tips to avoid these types of accidents include:

  • Never pass a bus that is stopped to let off children: Whether the stop sign and blinking lights are active or not, take extreme caution when driving near school buses and never pass them when they are picking up or dropping off children. Be patient when they are stopped at intersections. Sometimes children take a while to get on and off.
  • Don’t double park in school zones: Streets in school zones can be crowded in the morning before school starts and right after the last bell rings, but double parking creates visibility problems for buses and other vehicles. Drivers cannot see young children whose heads don’t even rise above the hood of a car. Don’t heighten the danger by creating additional site line obstructions.
  • Don’t overvalue right of way: Technically and legally, you may have right of way over a pedestrian, but if taking that right of way puts them in any danger at all, give it up!

Remember these tips all times of the year, but especially as our children are returning to school. Many are new to their daily routines and everyone is a bit rusty. Let’s make this back-to-school season a safe one in New York and throughout the U.S.

A trusted ally for the injured

When accidents do occur, victims and their families deserve answers, justice and if fault lies for injury or death, compensation. The attorneys at Anderson, Moschetti and Taffany, PLLC, have more than 100 years of combined experience helping victims of accidents. When you need us you can reach our Albany law offices online or by telephone at 518-802-4714 to schedule 

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