It is pretty common for news reports to provide details of arrests but then never follow up with how the case ends. This can result in an immediate conclusion about the arrestee’s guilt or innocence in the “court of public opinion.” However, everyone should remember that an arrest is not the same as a conviction – we all enjoy the presumption of innocence in America, until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. A man who was recently arrested in New York, according to reports, hopefully will benefit from this presumption, as all arrestees should.
According to the reports, a 38-year-old man was arrested at a business in Albany. The reports indicate that the state police received a report that a suspect had come to the business on several occasions to sell catalytic converters for scrap. It appears that someone at the business suspected that the catalytic converters might have been stolen. While law enforcement officials were at the business on this day to investigate the situation, the suspect reportedly showed up with more catalytic converters to sell. He was taken into custody at that time.
The suspect is now facing criminal charges related to the alleged theft of the auto parts. He has also been charged with possession of a controlled substance, as the report indicates the man allegedly had prescription medication in his possession for which he did not have a valid prescription.
Anyone who is facing criminal charges in New York will need to carefully consider their legal options. Many cases are resolved with plea bargains, while others might be dismissed. Some need to go all the way to trial. The options depend on the facts of the case.