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The emotional aftermath of a traumatic brain injury

Anyone who has suffered a blow to the head in New York is at risk for a traumatic brain injury. TBIs can cause many long-lasting physical complications that are easy to recognize, and thus accept. 

However, there is another side to these injuries that is less tangible and thus often more difficult to manage. GoodTherapy explained that brain injury patients could display non-physical symptoms that range from mild memory or concentration loss to extensive cognitive impairments or long-term mental health issues. 

Psychiatric diagnoses and depression 

According to a review, three-quarters of TBI patients suffer a mental health disorder within five years of their injury. Over half of those patients did not receive treatment for a psychiatric illness before their TBI, which suggests that the injury might be the cause. 

Depression is, by far, the most common mental health issue following a TBI. More than 50% of severe TBI suffers developed depressive symptoms before a year had passed. 

Anger and irritability 

The Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute describes the brain as the center of emotional regulation. Thus, it is no surprise that almost 33% of patients with any severity of TBI experience an increase in anger and irritability, especially if they had prior difficulty controlling temper. 

Furthermore, uncontrollable knee-jerk angry outbursts can make it very difficult for caregivers, family and friends to spend time with TBI patients. Often, TBI victims unintentionally drive away their social support at a time when they need it most. 

Some techniques can help a TBI patient understand how their injury may be slowing down their ability to process stimuli and control reactions.  They can learn that their anger, which undamaged brain activity might have tempered quickly, could be the result of fright, overstimulation or confusion. TBI patients could connect and then communicate the underlying issues to those around them. This can help stop the downward spiral of anger and isolation and start the re-forming of close relationships and support networks.

If you or someone you love has suffered a TBIAnderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC may be able to help you recoup medical costs and further living expenses.

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