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Despite saving lives, seat belts may also cause major injuries

If you want to increase your chances of surviving a serious car accident, you should wear your seat belt every time you drive or ride in a motor vehicle. After all, of the roughly 37,000 people who died in car accidents in 2017, nearly half were not wearing seat belts. 

While your seat belt may save your life, it may also cause you to sustain significant bodily damage during a crash. Seat belt syndrome is the designation doctors often use to describe all injuries seat belts cause in traffic accidents. These tend to fit into three broad categories. 

1. Skeletal injuries

Many car accidents subject vehicle occupants to substantial gravitational forces. When your body pushes into a locked seatbelt, you may sustain skeletal injuries. While many broken bones may heal without major medical intervention, fractured vertebrae may lead to paralysis or other life-altering complications. 

2. Soft tissue injuries

The muscles, tendons and other soft tissues in your body are vulnerable to injuries in any motor vehicle accident. During a high-speed crash, though, your seat belt may contribute to bruising, whiplash, muscle tears and other soft tissue injuries. 

3. Organ injuries

Organ injuries are arguably the most serious threat from your seat belt. That is, if you are in a collision, your seat belt may cause damage to any organ it crosses. Your lungs, kidneys, liver, heart and spleen may be particularly vulnerable. 

Many organ injuries are medical emergencies that require immediate care. Regrettably, they also often lead to long-term complications. If you have a medical complication from wearing your seat belt, call us today at (518) 802-4714 or use our online contact form to schedule your free consultation. 

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