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Latham Legal Issues Blog

The deadliest type of car accident

Car accidents continue to result in thousands of injuries and deaths on our nation’s roads and highways each year. While they occur for many reasons, the most common is inattention of a driver due to texting, talking with a passenger, fatigue, or momentary lapse of judgment.  Types of collisions range

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Why are rear-end crashes so common in New York?

Many of the worst car crashes occur after a moment of horror as someone realizes that another driver has turned directly into their path or is about to hit them. They see the risk but are unable to avoid it. However, some crashes occur without victims realizing that they are

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How families can take action after a tragic pedestrian crash

Pedestrians have virtually no protection from the dangers of traffic other than the law. Rules about sharing the road can reduce the likelihood of someone getting hit by a motor vehicle while walking to the store or starting out for an afternoon jog. If every person out walking or jogging

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Who is at fault for a slip-and-fall accident?

Winter is often a treacherous time for navigating the outdoors in Albany. While National Weather Service statistics show that we’ve only received about half of the average snowfall through late February, it only takes a little snow and ice covering to create hazardous conditions. Thousands of New Yorkers are injured

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How can a lawyer help if I slip and fall in a parking lot?

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen anytime, but hazards increase when snowy and icy conditions return here in Albany. Some parking lot falls may not be anyone’s fault, but they often happen due to the negligence of property owners or others. In many of these cases, it may not be clear whether

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Who pays after a hit-and-run accident injures or kills a pedestrian?

Crossing or walking along busy New York roads can be extremely hazardous. Our bodies are no match for two-ton vehicles that, even at low speeds, can cause traumatic and life-changing injuries. More disturbing are statistics showing double-digit percentage increases in pedestrian deaths in each of the last two years. The

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Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in New York?

Losing a loved one is devastating regardless of the circumstances. But the loss can be even more gut-wrenching when it was preventable. Family members often suffer tremendous emotional and financial harm when someone they love dies due to the negligence of others. Under New York’s wrongful death laws, people, companies

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