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Latham Legal Issues Blog

Frequently Asked Questions About Anderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC

1. Who is Anderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC? Among one of the best personal injury legal firms in Albany, Saratoga Springs, the surrounding Capital Region is Anderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC. Their dedication to assisting victims of accidents, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and other severe injuries in obtaining the justice

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How to file insurance claims after New York car crashes

Insurance can help people involved in motor vehicle collisions cover the cost of a recent wreck. State law requires that all drivers carry basic policies. After a crash occurs, the people involved often have questions about how to handle the claims process. The unique combination of liability and no-fault personal

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Understanding no-fault insurance in New York State

Even for the most cautious drivers, New York State roads have risks. Accidents can happen even if you are unprepared for them, and their consequences can last years. Thankfully, New York is a no-fault State, meaning that fault does not determine the viability of an auto insurance claim. This can

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What are the most dangerous roads in the Capital Region?

New York is notorious for having aggressive drivers and high levels of traffic congestion. Discussions about traffic issues often focus on New York City. However, the Capital Region around Albany also sees more than its fair share of stressful driving situations and collisions. Some roads are much more dangerous than

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What are the motorcycle helmet laws in New York State?

Numerous laws regulate how people are required to behave in public. For example, there are specific rules that apply to those operating motorcycles on New York roads. Do riders in New York have a legal obligation to wear a helmet? New York requires consistent helmet use Some states do not

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What Albany residents need to know about winter slip-and-falls

Slip-and-falls can occur at any point throughout the year in the Albany area. A spring rainstorm might lead to wet floors at a local church and someone getting hurt on their way to service. Leaves tracked in from outside might trigger an autumn slip-and-fall. However, there are unique safety hazards during the

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Who is liable for an icy parking lot slip and fall?

Winter brings along its own set of safety challenges, with one of the most common hazards being icy surfaces. Slips and falls in icy parking lots can result in catastrophic damage such as broken bones or traumatic brain injuries. This cold reality leaves many wondering who is responsible for such

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Five Things to Look For in a Personal Injury Attorney

Being injured in a car crash is traumatic. For individuals who suffer significant injuries, the consequences to one’s health, financial well being and family is often considerable. If you’re in this position, you deserve to be fully compensated by taking legal action against the negligent party that caused the crash. Once

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