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Latham Legal Issues Blog

3 common causes of medical malpractice

Medical malpractice is alarmingly common in doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics, and other care facilities across America. According to some estimates, between 250,000 and 440,000 patients lose their lives each year as a result of medical negligence. This number is shockingly high, and it’s particularly tragic when you consider that thousands upon thousands

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Fewer drivers, wide-open roads, add up to more traffic fatalities

The pandemic has driven more Americans off the roads and into their homes for prolonged periods of time. While fewer drivers behind the wheel and lower disposable incomes should equate to a significant reduction in accidents, a strange phenomenon reveals that the opposite is occurring. Research reveals that older and

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Why slip-and-falls are serious business

Many equate falls with clumsiness. However, tripping and hurtling towards a floor or other obstacle can result in serious injuries and death. In New York, falls account for the most hospitalizations in the state. Those most susceptible are young children up to 14 years old and adults over 25. The

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Maintaining critical vehicle systems is crucial to road safety

We live in an increasingly mobile and hurried society. Various conveyances can get us from place to place, whether that involves walking, biking, or jetting across oceans and continents. Automobiles remain our primary mode of transportation. Driving a car or truck presents inherent risks, particularly if the driver is distracted,

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Is there a right way to make left-hand turns?

If you are teaching your teenager to drive, you will quickly discover how easy it can be to become overly comfortable in our driving abilities. Riding with someone who has yet to develop habits can highlight just how complicated and dangerous some driving situations are. And some situations are far

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A rear-end collision, TBI and those costly medical bills

You may never have been the victim of a vehicle crash, but that could change in an instant. Rear-end collisions, for example, happen every day in the state of New York. Even after this kind of seemingly minor accident, you should seek prompt medical attention since you could have underlying

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Why is hands-free technology imperfect?

New York drivers understand the need to stay focused on the road. After all, distracted driving makes up an enormous share of driving-related crashes and fatalities. But sometimes, there are situations in which a driver must use a handheld device. Rideshare and delivery workers are among these people. Hands-free technology

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