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Failure To Diagnose: A Medical Error

A misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a medical condition can be a life-threatening medical error. You rely on your doctor, physician assistants, nurses, lab technicians and other medical personnel to provide a diagnosis that is early and accurate: Your health may depend on it. Unfortunately, when a condition is misdiagnosed or diagnosis is delayed, it may result in life-changing injury or even death.

Consequences Of Failure To Diagnose And Treat

When a condition goes undiagnosed, some examples of serious or fatal consequences:
  • Cancer may advance to an untreatable or “end stage.”
  • A ruptured appendix may result in prolonged convalescence or death.
  • Heart disease or heart attack could result in disability.
  • Infection may require lengthy treatment, including IV antibiotics and surgery.
There are several bases for pursuing a medical malpractice claim. A physician may fail to order necessary tests or fail to recognize the early symptoms of an otherwise treatable disease. Test results can be misread or mixed up with other patients’ results. All of these can lead to critical delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Call Today To Discuss Your Medical Negligence Claim

If you believe that negligence by a doctor or another medical provider has caused suffering or death, you or a loved one may be entitled to compensation. Our attorneys have extensive experience obtaining compensation for victims of medical negligence. We will aggressively prosecute cases against medical providers who have negligently failed to diagnose diseases and conditions. We will obtain the services of medical experts and financial analysts to obtain full compensation for victims of medical negligence. Call (518) 802-4594 for more information or contact Anderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC, online to arrange for a free case evaluation.

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