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Representation You Can Trust After A Bus Accident

We trust bus drivers to get us to our destinations safely, but the statistics are sobering: About 12,000 adults and children are injured each year in the United States in bus accidents. This includes children in our local school districts. And just like truck drivers, bus drivers must follow the rules of the road and obey stringent laws and regulations. These requirements include:
  • Regular maintenance of the bus and record-keeping
  • Upkeep of driving equipment (rearview mirrors, side mirrors)
  • Maintenance of fire-resistant materials and fire safety precautions
  • Yielding at a railroad crossing
  • Following the rules of the road
Failure to meet one or more of these may cause an accident that results in serious injuries such as whiplash, spinal cord injuriesfractures or death. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bus accident, it is important that you choose a personal injury firm that has the experience to protect your rights. The team at Anderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC, includes local Albany-area and Saratoga Springs personal injury attorneys with experience representing bus accident victims. They will help you get the compensation you deserve for injuries resulting from a bus accident.

Contact A Lawyer Who Is On Your Side

You can get the compensation you need with the help of our experienced attorneys. We have a dedicated practice located in Albany and Saratoga Springs, New York where we focus on your needs. Contact us today for a free consultation at (518) 802-4594 or fill out our form online.

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