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Dangerous Roads Can Have Serious Consequences

A serious or fatal motor vehicle accident may occur due to dangerous roads resulting from faulty maintenance, defective signage or poor design. Many factors can lead to injuries in a car accident, but hazardous roads should not be one of them. On the surface, the accident may seem like another driver’s fault, but if the road had a defect in design or construction, a skilled attorney will determine all of the parties that should be held responsible. For the best results in your case, leave the research and legal proceedings to attorneys who are focused on obtaining the maximum in financial compensation for you.

Committed To Intensive Preparation

Our attorneys will thoroughly investigate to determine all of the causes of your accident. Defective design or construction may include:
  • Poorly designed curves in the road
  • Failure to install guardrails
  • Poor pavement or inadequate surfaces
  • Improper placement of road signs or lights
  • Improper drainage
If a road was properly designed and constructed, but was not carefully maintained, it may also cause or contribute to a serious vehicle accident. Defective maintenance issues include:
  • Potholes and road erosion
  • Broken guardrails
  • Failure to remove road debris
  • Failure to maintain signs and light controls
Unfortunately, smart behaviors like wearing a seatbelt aren’t always enough. An accident due to a dangerous road can be a life-changing event or mean the tragic death of a loved one. The attorneys at Anderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC, know how to investigate and determine the causes of your accident. They have the necessary resources and experience to obtain full compensation for your injuries.

Let Us Answer All Of Your Questions

We have investigated hundreds of personal injury claims and have decades of experience obtaining significant financial relief for those suffering injuries due to road accidents, work injuries, medical malpractice or premises liability. We have a single goal: to commit to excellence in every aspect of your case. From the initial consultation, we offer representation that can make a dramatic difference in the outcome of your case and, ultimately, your life. Call Anderson, Moschetti & Taffany, PLLC, near Albany, for a free consultation on how we can help put your life back together after an accident. Contact us today at (518) 802-4594 or fill out our form online.

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